"O jejum que desejo não é este: soltar as correntes da injustiça, desatar as cordas do jugo, pôr em liberdade os oprimidos e romper todo jugo?
Não é partilhar sua comida com o faminto, abrigar o pobre desamparado, vestir o nu que você encontrou, e não recusar ajuda ao próximo?
Aí sim, a sua luz irromperá como a alvorada, e prontamente surgirá a sua cura; a sua retidão irá adiante de você, e a glória do Senhor estará na sua retaguarda.
Aí sim, você clamará ao Senhor, e ele responderá; você gritará por socorro, e ele dirá: Aqui estou. "Se você eliminar do seu meio o jugo opressor, o dedo acusador e a falsidade do falar;
se com renúncia própria você beneficiar os famintos e satisfizer o anseio dos aflitos, então a sua luz despontará nas trevas, e a sua noite será como o meio-dia.
O Senhor o guiará constantemente; satisfará os seus desejos numa terra ressequida pelo sol e fortalecerá os seus ossos. Você será como um jardim bem regado, como uma fonte cujas águas nunca faltam.
Seu povo reconstruirá as velhas ruínas e restaurará os alicerces antigos; você será chamado reparador de muros, restaurador de ruas e moradias.
"Se você vigiar seus pés para não profanar o sábado e para não fazer o que bem quiser em meu santo dia; se você chamar delícia o sábado e honroso o santo dia do Senhor, e se honrá-lo, deixando de seguir seu próprio caminho, de fazer o que bem quiser e de falar futilidades,
então você terá no Senhor a sua alegria, e eu farei com que você cavalgue nos altos da terra e se banqueteie com a herança de Jacó, seu pai. " Pois é o Senhor quem fala

Isaías 58:6-14

segunda-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2023

Public Adjusters: Understanding their Role in the Insurance Claim Process

When dealing with an insurance claim, homeowners and policyholders may feel overwhelmed and unsure of the process. Hiring a public adjuster can help navigate this process and ensure that you receive a fair payout from your insurance company.

What is a Public Adjuster?

A public adjuster is a professional who specializes in handling insurance claims for policyholders. They are independent insurance professionals who work on behalf of the policyholder, rather than the insurance company. Public adjusters are licensed and regulated by the state in which they operate.

Why Hire a Public Adjuster?

When homeowners file a claim with their insurance company, the claim is often handled by an insurance adjuster that works for the company. While these adjusters are also licensed professionals, they are not independent and may be more inclined to favor the interests of the company over the policyholder.
A public adjuster, on the other hand, can evaluate the claim, handle the paperwork, and negotiate with the insurance company on the policyholder's behalf. They can also help ensure that the claim process runs smoothly and that the policyholder receives a fair payout.

When should you hire a Public Adjuster?

Homeowners and policyholders may choose to hire a public adjuster for a variety of reasons. For example, if you have a large claim or if the insurance company is not providing a fair settlement, a public adjuster can help. Additionally, if you are not comfortable dealing with the claim process or have questions about your insurance policy, a public adjuster can assist.

How do Public Adjusters Charge a Fee?

Public adjusters generally charge a fee based on a percentage of the total settlement they negotiate with the insurance company. This fee is typically a percentage of the final payout, and is usually a percentage of the settlement. Policyholders should be aware that public adjusters only receive a fee if they are successful in negotiating a settlement, so their interest is aligned with the policyholder's interest.

How to Find a Public Adjuster

When looking to hire a public adjuster, it is important to choose one that is licensed and reputable. The National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (NAPIA) and the Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (APIA) are two organizations that can help you find a qualified public adjuster in your area.

Questions to ask when Hiring a Public Adjuster

  • Are you licensed and in good standing with the state?
  • How much experience do you have in handling claims like mine?
  • What is your fee structure?
  • Can you provide references from past clients?
  • How do you plan to handle my claim?


A public adjuster can be a valuable asset for homeowners and policyholders when dealing with an insurance claim. They can help ensure that the claim process runs smoothly, that the policyholder receives a fair payout, and that the policyholder's rights are protected. Policyholders should be aware of their options, ask questions, and choose a reputable public adjuster to handle their claim.