"O jejum que desejo não é este: soltar as correntes da injustiça, desatar as cordas do jugo, pôr em liberdade os oprimidos e romper todo jugo?
Não é partilhar sua comida com o faminto, abrigar o pobre desamparado, vestir o nu que você encontrou, e não recusar ajuda ao próximo?
Aí sim, a sua luz irromperá como a alvorada, e prontamente surgirá a sua cura; a sua retidão irá adiante de você, e a glória do Senhor estará na sua retaguarda.
Aí sim, você clamará ao Senhor, e ele responderá; você gritará por socorro, e ele dirá: Aqui estou. "Se você eliminar do seu meio o jugo opressor, o dedo acusador e a falsidade do falar;
se com renúncia própria você beneficiar os famintos e satisfizer o anseio dos aflitos, então a sua luz despontará nas trevas, e a sua noite será como o meio-dia.
O Senhor o guiará constantemente; satisfará os seus desejos numa terra ressequida pelo sol e fortalecerá os seus ossos. Você será como um jardim bem regado, como uma fonte cujas águas nunca faltam.
Seu povo reconstruirá as velhas ruínas e restaurará os alicerces antigos; você será chamado reparador de muros, restaurador de ruas e moradias.
"Se você vigiar seus pés para não profanar o sábado e para não fazer o que bem quiser em meu santo dia; se você chamar delícia o sábado e honroso o santo dia do Senhor, e se honrá-lo, deixando de seguir seu próprio caminho, de fazer o que bem quiser e de falar futilidades,
então você terá no Senhor a sua alegria, e eu farei com que você cavalgue nos altos da terra e se banqueteie com a herança de Jacó, seu pai. " Pois é o Senhor quem fala

Isaías 58:6-14

domingo, 22 de novembro de 2020

Debt Reconciliation


We are very sorry  to communicate  you through this medium. we
are  member of the European Debt Recovery Unit and we are aware
of your ordeals and challenges of your unpaid fund.

It might interest you to know that not long after the Debt
Management Office (DMO) completed the merger and acquisition
process of all pending payments, through the petitions submitted
by the international communities about their unpaid funds,
however in the course of our examination and fact findings as
stated in the petitions We discovered that one of the top
personnel in the management compromised with some top officials
to divert funds approves to settle unpaid Fund (concealed funds).

The DMO has already given approval for the payment of your fund
but they deliberately withheld your payment file and continue to
demand fees from you through their associates from different
unassigned affiliates mostly from Africa, US, Europe, and Asia
all in an attempt to frustrate you and enrich themselves. I
wonder why you haven't noticed all this while.

You may choose to disbelieve this email as inconceivable but my
doctrine does not permit such an act, the reason I have to open
up to you to seek the right channel. Your fund was authorized to
be paid to you through the DMO asset management firm with a Key
Tested Reference/Claim Code Number, which was supposed to have
been issued to you before now.

Upon your response to my message, I shall guide you through and
provide you with details to contact the assigned affiliate who
will facilitate the release of your fund.

Thanks and have a wonderful day.

Yours Faithfully,

 Andrew Hansen,
European Debt Recovery Agent, UK

segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2020

Debt Reconciliation

Hello ,

We are very sorry to communicate you through this medium. we
are member of the European Debt Recovery Unit and we are aware
of your ordeals and challenges of your unpaid fund.

It might interest you to know that not long after the Debt
Management Office (DMO) completed the merger and acquisition
process of all pending payments, through the petitions submitted
by the international communities about their unpaid funds,
however in the course of our examination and fact findings as
stated in the petitions We discovered that one of the top
personnel in the management compromised with some top officials
to divert funds approves to settle unpaid Fund (concealed funds).

The DMO has already given approval for the payment of your fund
but they deliberately withheld your payment file and continue to
demand fees from you through their associates from different
unassigned affiliates mostly from Africa, US, Europe, and Asia
all in an attempt to frustrate you and enrich themselves. I
wonder why you haven't noticed all this while.

You may choose to disbelieve this email as inconceivable but my
doctrine does not permit such an act, the reason I have to open
up to you to seek the right channel. Your fund was authorized to
be paid to you through the DMO asset management firm with a Key
Tested Reference/Claim Code Number, which was supposed to have
been issued to you before now.

Upon your response to my message, I shall guide you through and
provide you with details to contact the assigned affiliate who
will facilitate the release of your fund.

Thanks and have a wonderful day.

Yours Faithfully,

Andrew Hansen,
European Debt Recovery Agent, UK

domingo, 8 de novembro de 2020


                                                  AWARD NOTIFICATION FINAL NOTICE
We are pleased to inform you today, 8th of November. 2020 of the release of the LA PRIMITIVA LOTTERY / WORLD MAIL FUND RELIEF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM.
Held on the 7th of November 2020. Your email attached to the ticket number 014-19-464-992-147 drew the lucky numbers 14-17-19-25-34-47.
which consequently won the lottery in the 3rd category.
You have therefore been approved for a lump Sum Pay of $977,950.00.
To begin your claim, please contact your claim officer Dr. Juan Rodriquez on Email: juanrodriwmfr2020@gmail.com. TEL: +34 602363117
Remember all prize money must be claimed not later than 30th of november 2020.
Please remember to quote your ticket and winning numbers in every of your correspondence with your Representative claim agent as a copy of this notification has been sent to you.
Congratulations once again from all members of our staff  (WORLD MAIL FUND RELIEF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM).

Debt Reconciliation

Hello ,

We are very sorry to communicate you through this medium. we
are member of the European Debt Recovery Unit and we are aware
of your ordeals and challenges of your unpaid fund.

It might interest you to know that not long after the Debt
Management Office (DMO) completed the merger and acquisition
process of all pending payments, through the petitions submitted
by the international communities about their unpaid funds,
however in the course of our examination and fact findings as
stated in the petitions We discovered that one of the top
personnel in the management compromised with some top officials
to divert funds approves to settle unpaid Fund (concealed funds).

The DMO has already given approval for the payment of your fund
but they deliberately withheld your payment file and continue to
demand fees from you through their associates from different
unassigned affiliates mostly from Africa, US, Europe, and Asia
all in an attempt to frustrate you and enrich themselves. I
wonder why you haven't noticed all this while.

You may choose to disbelieve this email as inconceivable but my
doctrine does not permit such an act, the reason I have to open
up to you to seek the right channel. Your fund was authorized to
be paid to you through the DMO asset management firm with a Key
Tested Reference/Claim Code Number, which was supposed to have
been issued to you before now.

Upon your response to my message, I shall guide you through and
provide you with details to contact the assigned affiliate who
will facilitate the release of your fund.

Thanks and have a wonderful day.

Yours Faithfully,

Andrew Hansen,
European Debt Recovery Agent, UK